
May 24, 2010

Owl of the Week and a Winner!

 I just bought a Nook and On Etsy at the shop Hob-op I found the cutest OWL!!! Nook cover.  I'll be ordering it I do believe :) Make sure you click on the link above and check out the super cute Nook, Sony and Kindle covers she has made.

Now for the winner of the breast cancer awareness goodie bag.  Remember to keep clicking at The Breast Cancer Site, so more women have the chance at getting a mammogram. 

The random number generator spoke and picked:

Raelena of Through The Haze!

Congrats and I'll be emailing you for your details.  If you see this first, feel free to email me at foltzsfantasticbooks at


  1. That is the cutest cover! How are you liking your Nook? I love mine.

    Congrats to the winner.

  2. LOVE the cover :)

    Congrats winner :)
