
March 24, 2010

7's UP - What They're Reading

Lately I've been getting away from who this blog is really for, and to a degree about - my students' reading  If you aren't aware I teach 7th grade English and LOVE it.  I use to do a 7th Grade Saturday post, but I didn't like that it was always tied to Saturday.  Because of that I've created 7's UP.  When you see 7's UP any time during the week know that it has to do with my students - or maybe it's even written by my student.  I've bugged a few about doing a guest blog. 

So for this week's 7's UP I'm doing something I haven't done in a while - a list of some of the books my students are reading. 
Remember these are books they - real live 7th graders - are reading.  Authors and publishers take note.  These are your buyers!
(click the title to be taken to the Goodreads page for that book)

Smile by Raina Telgemeier
H.I.V.E. by Mark Walden (this series could be a big hit)
Sea Change by Aimee Friedman
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse
Dork Diaries by Rachel R. Russell (this one has been REALLY popular)
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
The Cupid Chronicles by Coleen Murtagh Paratore (new series for me!)
The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld
Impossible by Nancy Werlin
Wereling by Steve Feasey
Gone by Michael Grant
The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer

So have you read any of these???? :)


  1. It makes me soooo happy to see that kids are actually reading! My older son doesn't read unless he is FORCED to read for school.

    My younger son (he's 10) does like to read, but doesn't do it unless he's in school because he doesn't want his older brother making fun of him!
    It drives me crazy!

    Keep up the good work with those 7th graders! your job is so important! :)

  2. Cool. I always love hearing what your students are reading or what they think about covers.
    Great books they are reading now.

  3. Oh I love The Wedding Planner's Daughter series by Coleen Paratore-such a great series!

    Smile has been popular at my library too.

    I've tried booktalking H.I.V.E. but never really got a good response-I thought it would be big. You might look into The Quantum Prophecy Series-I had great success with that series!

  4. I have two students going through the Artemis Fowl series and Alex Rider is going big right now because I really booktalked the first one. Another one that got a big response from my last order is Spellbinder by Helen Stringer.

  5. Your students are reading great books! Artemis Fowl is really popular at my library. So are Libba Bray, Scott Westerfeld and Michael Grant but with the 9th and 10th graders. A lot of the middle schoolers are reading Percy Jackson and Diary of a Wimpy Kid after seeing the movies. Now that I've heard such good things about H.I.V.E., I will have to booktalk it.

  6. Im in 7th grade too. I've only read Gone and Uglies ( And liked them very much!!!). Our teachers are reading The Hunger Games and everyone enjoys those

  7. I loved Gone and Hunger! :-)

    I can't believed I haven't found your blog sooner - shame on me! I hopped over from Milk & Cookies. I absolutely love your owl template! :-)

  8. I'm so glad I found your blog. What a great list of books to read. I've read Out of the Dust. I loved it! I'm going to check out the others on your list. Thanks!

  9. Ooh, I like this. I'm such a list person, and I always like to know what kids are *actually* reading.

  10. Interesting list. I've read six of those, and though I didn't really know about Out of The Dust before it sounds like something I'd like to read for a change of pace. Thanks for sharing.
