
February 16, 2010

Tween Tuesday: Toad Rage

This is just a fun, all-be-it juvenile, book.  It would be fun to read right now because it centers around the Olympics.

I read this book several years ago and laughed my way through it. I then read it aloud to my students for a few years.  They laughed at all the humor because it was right where they're at!  And the antics of Limpy's cousin just adds to the fun.  A plus for me - it tied in with our 7th grade science curriculum.  They were talking about invasive exotic species - and that's what cane toads are! The book covers this directly, and it was fun for the kids to see the connection to something they had learned about.

If you want a just plain fun read I say check it out, BUT be prepared for three things 1. to laugh 2. to cringe 3. to learn a bit about judging people.  Also, be prepared to fall in love with a "cute" toad that in really life might be a little hard to find warm fuzzy feelings over :)

From Goodreads:
Limpy’s family reckons humans don’t hate cane toads, but Limpy knows otherwise. He’s spotted the signs: the cross looks, the unkind comments, the way they squash cane toads with their cars. Limpy is desperate to save his species from ending up as pancakes. Somehow he must make humans see how fabulous cane toads really are. Risking everything, he sets off on a wart-tinglingly dangerous and daring journey to . . . the Olympics?

This is the epic story of a slightly squashed young cane toad’s quest for the truth.