
February 18, 2010

Thoughts on Thursday: Winter and Books

On Thursdays I take time to step back and just share my thoughts on things related to reading. Sometimes these may be my thoughts or thoughts I've gotten from my students. It depends on the Thursday. It depends on the topic. It depends on the week!

Today I'm thinking a lot about winter. 
You see I live in a state that gets snow.  A lot of snow.  And it gets cold.  Really cold.  About February I'm done with it all.  I don't want snow anymore.  I don't want cold anymore.  I'm tired of bundling up myself and three kids when we leave for school each day.  I want summer and tanktops!
With this attitude towards winter I know I have one of two choices.
1.  I can stay negative and crab everytime I look and go outside
2.  I can find something positive about winter
I pick #2. 
And what I choose to focus on is the amount of reading I get done because (for me) it's too cold to do anything else! And I decided to troll through Barnes and Noble online and find some books with pretty "winter" or "snow" covers. 
Here's what I found.  I have to admit all the blues look pretty together! Now I haven't read most of these, but right now I'm just into the prettiness of them.  Yes I'm judging a book by it's cover :) But since it's helping me hate winter less, I'm ok with that.

Now it's time for you to share.  If you love winter WHY? If you don't, what do you do to make it better? OR What "winter/snow" book have you read and enjoyed?


  1. Great attitude. When I lived in Michigan, right about this time of year, I'd start to say, "I boycott winter." It never got me very far.

    I love Brian's Winter. Smella's Sense of Snow has been on my shelf for years. I'd love to get to it soon.

  2. I love winter and wished it snowed in Florida from time to time. I love winter reads. They transport me :)

  3. I am so looking forward to Spring. There was a warmish day yesterday and some sun. It was heaven. I haven't really found a cosy winter book this year but I've loved curling up with the Morganville series.

  4. The book mosaic looks so pretty, so blue and white.

  5. It's funny that you wrote this post because my husband and I were just lamenting our lack of winter. We're used to getting feet upon feet of glorious snow (good for snowboarding, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing) but our ground is BARE. Yuck! I'd rather have ten feet! Send some of your wintery weather to Maine!

  6. I cant wait for summer to begin..I do not like the cold. Wintertime I always reread some old classics, but this year I aint had the time or the need for them. I wanted to read something light and easy, just to take my mind out of the heavy stuff. :)
