
January 13, 2010

Want to Read Wednesday

Robbie over at Boy With Books started this meme, and it fits my Wednesday needs better.  Each week we share a book in our TBR pile that we just haven't gotten to yet, but we really want to read it!

This week my "Want to Read" book is Candor by Pam Bachorz.  I'm had this book for awhile, but for some reason I keep picking other books.  I think the concept of the book sounds awesome, and I've read some great reviews.  Hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Here's the Goodreads for it.
Oscar Banks has everything under control. In a town where his father brainwashes everyone, he's found a way to secretly fight the subliminal Messages. He's got them all fooled: Oscar's the top student and the best-behaved teen in town. Nobody knows he's made his own Messages to deprogram his brain. Oscar has even found a way to get rich. For a hefty price, he helps new kids escape Candor, Florida before they're transformed into cookie-cutter teens. But then Nia Silva moves to Candor, and Oscar's carefully-controlled world crumbles.

And here's the book trailer for it.


  1. I can see why this would work better on a weekly basis rather than WOW. Food for thought!

  2. I've heard it's very good. I gave you an award :)

  3. Love your blog! The owls are darling. And "Want to Read Wednesday is a fantastic idea! Thanks for posting the idea.
