
January 16, 2010

7th Grade Saturday - Book Cover for Dani Noir

I haven't done a 7th Grade Saturday in a while, so I thought it was time for it.  Recently I did a review for Dani Noir, so I thought I'd get their take on the cover. 

Here's the Cover

Here's Their Thoughts:

Looks kinda spooky (said many times)
I like the grey with only one other color
Mysterious (said many times)
Needs more color
Looks French
Different in a good way
Really sad likes she's neglected or because she's been ditched
Really awesome cover I like the lights

Their thoughts didn't overly suprise me.  I do this without telling them what the book is about, so I just get their thoughts on the cover alone.  I didn't think all would like it or "get" it especially the old movie feel. I did like that many got the mystery part and the sad because there is both in the book.
A mixed bag, but leaning more towards positive of the cover.

Your thoughts?????


  1. I've come over from Books at Midnight to look around your blog. I love the cover, it makes me think of and old black and white movie. Interesting to hear all the kids reactions.
    Books for youths have changed so much since i was young (I'm 59 now so you can see how long it's been). Lots of books with girls as main characters now too. There really weren't many back then.

  2. I know this is stating he obvious but it is so film noir, isn't it? Very classic but the hint of clour gives it a modern twist. I like it.

  3. I like the cover with the hint of color and it does look mysterious. I love these posts and hearing their thoughts.

  4. I loved this cover as soon as I saw in on the Blue Boards of Verla Kay. Love the polka dots.
    You have a great blog.

  5. I really like this idea. It's probably not a bad idea to have my teens share what they think about covers I'm having them re-do for Teen Tech Week! :)

  6. I like this idea. Like you I teach 7th and 8th grade reluctant readers. Sometimes it is what we don't say that hooks the kids. Thanks for an excellent idea
