
November 19, 2009

A Zombie Here a Zombie There

Besides angels popping up in otherworldly books, zombies seem to be crawling out of graves all over our books, movies, tvs and even clothing.  I have been telling my 7th graders that zombies are becoming the new vampire.  I prove this point by showing them everything zombie I've been seeing.  If you doubt this, let me show you some of the zombie items out there.

When searching Amazon for zombies this is what comes up:

49,000+ Books
900+ Toys and Games
1200+ Clothes and Accessories
600+ Movies

Never Slow Dance With a Zombie by E. Van Lowe
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
You Are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay
Zombies for Zombies: Advice and Etiquette for the Living Dead by David P. Murphey

And my favorite:
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Zombies by Michael P. Spradlin. This book takes 12 Christmas songs and rewrites them zombie style!

Best Toy:
Bag O' Zombies.  Remember the bag of soldiers you could buy? Well how about adding to it with a bag of zombies!

And of course you need the I Love Zombies coffee mug!

So are ya with me?  Are zombies taking over?  Where have you seen a zombie lurking around?


  1. Zombies give me the heebies BUT that bag of them is pretty funny.

  2. I like Zombies well enough but Jake LOVES them. I'll have to get him that mug for Xmas!

  3. Zombies ARE taking over. How about the recent cross-over success of Zombieland? I know zombie movies mostly appeal to young males, but that film did well (and drew the new-to-zombies crowd - like ME!). And the Generation Dead YA books are quality fiction, too. Good stuff!

  4. I loved GENERATION DEAD and KISS OF LIFE. I just finished BONESHAKER and it had some zombie goodness in it too.
    Thanks for posting,

  5. 49,000 books on zombies!! That's crazy. It really does seem like zombies are beginning to take over, but I have to say that I love the bag o' zombies.
