
November 18, 2009

What Ya Readin'? Nov 18

In What ya Readin' Wednesday I share what my students are reading. This allows me to focus on what's really going on in the reading life of 7th graders. Hint hint - any publisher or authors reading, this is what 7th graders are REALLY reading not what I, the teacher, WANT them to read :) Let's get started on this week's addition! We'll do this Otherworldly style!

Breathe by Cliff McNish (ghosts - I reviewed this book a bit ago. Check it out here.)
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (shouldn't you know)
Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda (mythical creatures of all sorts)
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (werewolves)
Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (zombies)
Everlost by Neil Shusterman (type of ghosts - people who have died)
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy by Willian Boniface (what I'm reading aloud to my students.  It has superheros with super powers)

Out of that list I found two books with new covers - or at least new to me.  The first on is for Breathe. I love this new cover so much better.  Much more creepy.

<-------------Old on the left

New on the right------------>

And this one for The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  I hadn't seen it before.  I'm not sure what I think of it.


  1. Man, 7th graders have great taste. Those are some of my favorites too!

  2. Great books!
    I like the new cover for Breathe better but I had the cover for the Forest of H&T.

  3. That's the UK cover of TFoHaT. The only link I could find between the cover and book was that she felt something unfurling inside her at one point. I really liked it, much more than I was expecting:(
