
September 18, 2009

BBAW: Setting Goals

As BBAW wraps up it's time to look towards the future.  More specifically the future of our blogs.

Since my first post of July 11th I've learned a lot and come a looooong way.  I did not have a clue about the whole book blogging community I would find and how it would push me to make my blog as good as it could be.  I'm moving towards the blog I invision, but there is a lot of work ahead!

My goal for the next year:

Although I'm striving for a both  middle grade (MG) and young adult (YA) lit on my blog, I want to have a clearer balance. I find myself leaning more towards the YA end mainly because I enjoy reading it and because that's what I see on other blogs. I can point my students to numerous blogs about young adult or teen books, but there are very few geared just towards the middle grades.  I want my blog to fill that gap. I've thought about going completely middle grade, but I know I'll miss an entire group of students that want to read books with older characters and teen issues. I can't ignore their needs. So my goal for the next year is to also feature more middle grade authors and books.  A clear balance between the two is what is needed, and it's what I'll strive for over the next year.  I hope you join me on the journey!

(ok that was longer than 50 words! oops!)

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