
August 16, 2009

~~~~~Weekend Wow~~~~~

Welcome to a new feature on the O.W.L. Blog called Weekend Wows. Each weekend I'll feature a book I'm excited about - one that I think could WOW me. This will be a book that was just released or will be released in the upcoming week. OR I'll post some "WOW" news in the world of books. And who knows - if it's a good week I may post both!

My first Weekend Wow pick is Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink. Below is a summary of the book from the publisher.

Sixteen year-old Lia Milthorpe has just recently lost her father, leaving her parentless. But when a strange mark appears on her wrist, she realizes she is being branded with much more than her newfound title of orphan. Lia and her twin sister Alice are part of an ancient prophecy that has turned generations of sisters against each other. Lia hides this discovery from Alice and even from her beloved James, but to escape from the burden this secret bestows she must end the prophecy-before her sister. Only then will she understand the mysterious circumstances of her parents' deaths, the true meaning of the mark on her wrist, the lengths to which her sister will go to defeat her, and the impact the resolution of the prophecy could have.

This book just sound intriguing. I have a sister, so any book that involves the relationship between sisters is always interesting to me. I've also heard several other book bloggers talk about the story, and they've been giving it good reviews. Hopefully I'll be able to read it soon!

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